— Book flights in advanced as well as keeping an eye on them so that you can get the cheapest option.
— When it comes to shopping (particularly girls), only try to buy items which may be in use when you go away and think will they be used when you come back.
— Cancel any memberships such as leisure centre ones if they are not being used to there fullest.
— Reduce nights out...or try to pre drink lots and only take a limited amount of cash with you.
— Don't constantly eat out or buy lunch when at work, instead make some from home..this definitely saves you money in the long run.
— And finally... work bloody hard to earn as much as possible, because it is all worth it in the end when you are lying on a beach in Bali :)
— And finally... work bloody hard to earn as much as possible, because it is all worth it in the end when you are lying on a beach in Bali :)